Ypati and Pharmakides Trail
Every corner of Ypati has a fascinating story to tell! It played a leading role in significant events from antiquity to the Roman, Byzantine, Catalan, Turkish periods, and even modern times, being a co-capital of Greece at one point. Explore its beautiful streets, learn about its heroic history from ancient times to the Holocaust suffered at the hands of the German occupiers in 1944. Seek the traces of the mythical Pharmakides along the enchanting trails where the Oiti Mountain Marathon takes place every year.
Ypati and Pharmakides Trail
Ypati has a vast history and culture that dates back centuries! Philosopher Aristotle refers to it as "ta Ypata," during the Byzantine era, it was named "Neai Patrai" (New Patras), and under Ottoman rule, it was known as "Patratziki," while folk songs also mention it as "Niopatra."
The first written reference to Ypati dates to 410 BC. Its first inhabitants were the ancient Greek tribe Aenianes. The god Apollo, with the epithet Ypatios, was worshipped here, and the forested hills were the home of the legendary Pharmakides, powerful witches who used the herbs of the rich vegetation to heal diseases and solve love issues.
Ypati played a significant role during the Byzantine period, as evidenced by its Byzantine Castle and the multitude of monuments. After the period of 1195-1204 AD, Ypati fell into the hands of the Franks. In 1319, the Catalans, after overthrowing Frankish rule, established the Duchy of Athens and Neopatras, with Ypati as a co-capital.
The region also played a crucial role in the Greek Revolution in 1821, witnessing important battles. During both World Wars, the area produced distinguished officers who made history in the Greek military.
One of the darkest chapters in Ypati's history was written on June 17, 1944, when the German occupiers set fire to the village and executed many of its residents. Historic mansions were razed, and churches with their precious libraries and ancient treasures were burned. In 1998, by Presidential Decree, Ypati was declared a Martyr City.
At the entrance of Ypati, visitors are welcomed by a World War II tank, part of the monument dedicated to the Holocaust. Explore its beautiful streets, admire the enchanting nature of the mountain trails, and enjoy a relaxing bath in the thermal springs of Ypati.
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