Bank of Greece Building
The preserved building on Diakou Square has hosted prominent families of Lamia, such as that of the hero of the 1821 Greek Revolution, Dyovouniotis, and the lawyer and significant Lamia politician, Makropoulos, before it was acquired and used by the Bank of Greece. The very location of the building is historical, as it is situated on a road that connected the ancient market with a section of the fortifications of ancient Lamia. This historical significance is reflected in the archaeological findings that one can admire, as they are now incorporated into the interior spaces of the building.
Bank of Greece Building
The Bank of Greece in Lamia is housed in a historic, preserved building located on Diakou Square. It is situated at a pivotal point that once served as a passage connecting the ancient market with a section of the defensive wall of ancient Lamia. The remnants of the fortification and possibly a public building, such as a fountain, dating back to the later Classical to early Hellenistic times, can still be observed today within the basement spaces of the building, which were revealed during restoration work and subsequently incorporated into the premises.
The building was formerly owned by the 1821 Greek Revolution heroDyovounioti, who was the one to raise the flag of the Revolution at Zetouni (Lamia). It later became the property of the Makropoulos family. IoannisMakropoulos served as the Mayor of Lamia and as a Member of Parliament for Phthiotis. He also held ministerial positions and eventually became the President of the Greek Parliament.
The current form of the building was completed in 1927, and it was acquired by the Bank in 1940. The major earthquake of 1981 caused significant damage, necessitating its evacuation.
In 1985, the Directorate of Modern Monuments declared the building a historic and preserved monument, noting that it is a significant example of traditional architecture, important for studying the evolution of architectural history and serving as a reference point linked to the memory of the residents of Lamia. From 1996 onwards, restoration and rehabilitation efforts were carried out by the Technical Service of the Bank of Greece, and in 2003, the Bank's Branch was finally established in the building.
It stands in perfect harmony with the other preserved mansions surrounding Diakou Square, proudly serving as an indisputable witness to the grandeur of another era.
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