Diakou Square
Diakou square is one of the four focal squares in Lamia. It is located under the hill of Saint Loukas and is dedicated to the hero of the Greek revolution, AthanasiosDiakos. The marblestatue all of the hero looms in the centre of the square and welcomes visitors. At the same time, the neoclassical wealth end the archaeological findings make it a meeting point for everyone while the stepsthere, lead the visitor to one of the most beautiful pathstowards the hill of Saint Loukas where one will enjoy a special view of the city.
Diakou Square
Under the hill of Saint Loukas lies Diakou Square, one of the focal squares in Lumia dedicated to the hero of the Greek revolution ArhanasiosDiakos, whose blood reified freedomand passed on the messageof the fortitude required to fight for democracy progress and history to the next generations.
The marble statue of the hero is the focal point of the square and welcomes visitors. The statue has been standing there since the April of 1903 and was an artworkof the sculptorIoannisKarakatsanis from Aegina, who took inspiration from the Apollo off Belvedere.
During the post-revolutionary years a lot of great buildings were built around the square as a sign of the thriving bourgeoisie since the early 20th century. Some of them stand proudly today and are admired by the visitors for their architecture and aesthetics, taking them back to a period of romance and refinement. The building which now houses Bank of Greece once belonged to captain Diovouniotis and then became property of theMakropoulou family, who served both as Mayor and Member of the Parliament.
During constructions in buildings around the square archaeological findings from the Hellenistic and classicalEra came to light.
Today, young people and families with children choose this square for an outing and a café.
Follow the steps in one of the most scenic paths of Lumia which leads to the hill of Saint Lucas from where you will enjoy a special view of the city.
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