Monument of the Captains of Kombotades
Nestled at the foothills of Mount Oeta, this pastoral village serves as an ideal destination for relaxation in its historic park and square. Located just 10 kilometers from Lamia, the gathering place of the captainsDiakos, Panourgias, and Diovouniotis is etched into the most significant pages of history. Specifically, it played a pivotal role in countering the advance of the Ottoman forces commanded by Kiöse Mehmet and Omer Vryonis, who sought to suppress the newly ignited Greek revolution. The five centuries-old plane trees still stand tall at the same spot and have been declared preserved natural and historical landmarks.
Monument of the Captains of Kombotades
Kombotades is a small village of honor and remembrance where crucial decisions were made regarding the course of the Greek Revolution of 1821. Nestled at the foothills of Mount Oeta, this pastoral village serves as an ideal destination for relaxation in its historic park and shaded square.
It played a pivotal role in making decisions to counter the advance of the Ottoman forces, commanded by Kiöse Mehmet and Omer Vryonis, who sought to suppress the newly ignited Greek revolution.
The battle for the liberation of Ypati led to the gathering of the Captains Diakos, Panourgias, and Diovouniotis in Kombotades. On April 18, 1821, under the five plane trees in the village square, a council of warlords convened, and the decision to halt the Ottoman march was firmly made.
Today, the gathering place of the Captains is etched into the pages of history. The five centuries-old plane trees still stand tall at the same spot, serving as magnificent monuments of nature and history.
The monument erected in their shadow is there to remind us that in this small place, through stormy debates and deliberations, the course of the uprising in Sterea Hellas (Central Greece) and the entire Revolution was determined.
Visitors consider this area a station for historical reflection beneath the venerable plane trees, which have been declared preserved natural landmarks. Under their shade, the heart of the village continues to beat, as residents and visitors choose Kombotades Square for their strolls. The areas of Ypati and Gorgopotamos subsequently invite travelers to explore the entire history of the region.
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