Eleftherias Square
It is considered the oldest square in Lamia, where the most important historical moments of the city have taken place. Among the historical buildings that once surrounded it, the Hatzichristos House and the neoclassical building of the Perfecture of Central Greece still stand today. The Metropolitan Cathedral of Lamia is also located here. This bustling and lively square is a favorite choice for entertainment among many Lamia residents and visitors to the city. Throughout the year, the covered kiosk located in the center of the square makes it ideal for hosting various events and activities.
Eleftherias Square
The square with its characteristic kiosk in the center is believed to be the oldest in the city. Originally, it was named "Clock Square" or the "Square of Time" because there was a small tower with a clock. In 1852, it was renamed "Othonos Square" and finally received its present name in 1862.
EleftheriasSquare (transl. Freedom) has witnessed some of the most significant historical events in the city. On March 28, 1833, the people of Lamia gathered here to celebrate the departure of the Ottomans from Lamia, which was then called Zitouni. King Otto was welcomed by the people with honors right here, in November 1834, while years later, in the same spot, the people of Lamia celebrated his expulsion. During World War I, the square served as a campsite for foreign troops. On October 19, 1944, the liberation of the city from the Germans was celebrated in Eleftherias Square, and ArisVelouchiotis, the first captain of the ELAS, delivered his famous speech. On the same day, NikolaosVellios was elected as the first post-occupation mayor in this very spot.
Eleftherias Square has always been a recreational area, as it is home to numerous cafes, dining establishments, and a winter cinema. Among the historic buildings that once dominated the square, an impressive neoclassical building still stands today. In the past, it housed the National Bank, later the Nomarchy of Phthiotis, and today it houses the offices of the Perfecture of Central Greece.
Another two-story neoclassical building on the square has been declared a preserved monument. It was the residence of the Hatzichristos family, which is connected with the Greek Revolution in 1821. Today, a café operates on the ground floor of this building, serving patrons since 1870.
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